Tuesday 24 January 2012

Beautiful Skin

Tomorrow sees the launch of No7's new skincare range - Beautiful Skin.  It is a quick and simple two step programme consisting of a cleanser and moisturiser.  They have skin type specific ones:
  • dry / very dry
  • normal / oily
  • normal / dry
The range is aimed at "busy women" - those of you out there thats beauty regime consists of a quick cleanse with a baby wipe before bed (tut, tut!). 

Cleansing and moisturising is soooooo important for the long term care of your skin.   I totally understand that not everyone has time each evening to cleanse, tone, apply a face mask, moisturise, dab on eye cream etc 

But we can all find 2-3 minutes to wash our face, cleanse and slap on a layer of moisturiser before bruhsing our teeth.  I promise if you do this religiously every day for two weeks, you and your skin will thank me. 

I thought I'd bring this new No7 range to your attention because any of you that have shopped in Boots over the past few weeks will have been given a £5 off No7 voucher at the tills.  These are vaild until the 29th of January; four days after the Beautiful Skin range is launched - so why not use this as an opportunity to treat yourself to a new skin care routine.  

Get your face looking all cleansed, smooth and radiant.....just in time for Valentine's day :-) 

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