Thursday 10 November 2011

Love Your Hair

As every girl knows, your hair is your crowning glory.  When your hair looks great you feel great.  And when you're having a bad hair day it affects how you feel about your whole look and attitude that day. 

Lauren Conrad
I'm somewhat of a hair chameleon flitting between blonde and brunette (I'm always drawn back to blonde...they really do have more fun!), long, short, extensions, layers, wavy, straight, feathers, cornrows (Antigua 1993!) - you name it I've tried it.  So I totally understand the importance of a hair care routine. 

Love your hair, treat it with respect and kindness - feed and water it daily; but most of all have fun with your hair.
image from

Dark Brown

Blonde Bob (my current look)

Wavy Brunette
Short and Curly

Extensions - I liked them at the time, but looking back they were a bit footballers wives!

Mid brown aka "mousey"

Blonde with lilac streaks

Here are my top tips for a magnificient mane...
Know what to spend and splurge on.  There are so many different products out there, it can be quite daunting standing in the hair aisle and deciding which shampoo and conditioner to purchase.  My advice would be to know your hair type - coloured, fine, dry, greasy and then look out for special offers on items that match your type.  For all those 3 for 2 offers, don't pick the shampoo and conditioner then choose some random other product (mousse, serum) that you never went in there to buy and will probably end up using only once.  Instead use these offers as an opportunity to stock up on two bottles of conditioner.  This is the most important item in your haircare routine - a good conditioner will leave your hair feeling quenched and soft. 

Don't assume that the more expensive brands are the best - companies like L'Oreal and Pantene spend millions of pounds on research in order to keep upto date with the most cutting edge ingredients and formulas.  Embrace the purse friendly products in Boots and Superdrug for your shampoos, conditioners and hairsprays.

However when it comes to those "special" products / treatments that you use once a week, like intensive hair masks then I would say push the boat out and treat yourself to a high end salon product.  They will last you several months, so you'll probably only need to buy them twice a year (you could even ask for these items for Birthdays or Christmas).  My favourite high end brand is Bumble and Bumble - each one of their products that I have used have left my hair feeling aaaaamazin.   My go to product when my hair is screaming at me to stop abusing it with the straightners and bleach is Quenching Complex £23.50  A potent, leave-in treatment that quenches (I love that word!) the cuticle smooth, seals in moisture, renews shine and protects. 
The bottle states - use daily, but I find that a once a week treatment does the job, or if your hair is in a real state (eg. post holiday after a chlorine and sun battering) use for several days in a row until your hair comes back to life. (they are currently offering free delivery and samples on orders over £25.  The checkout code is HAIR)

Dry shampoo is your friend - it's not just a festival must have. Always have a can in your bathroom cabinet ready of those "oh god I've slept through my alarm and need to be out the door in 10 minutes and my hair looks a greas mop" moments.  It's also great to use on freshly washed hair, for giving it that Kate Moss rock chick, I've just rolled out of bed (after a session of bedroom aerobics!) look.  Rather than focusing on the roots, turn your head upside down and spray away, this will give your hair more volume and leave it with a messed up, relaxed style.

There's just a few thoughts and ideas for you to be going on with.  I will be posting more hair and skin tips over the weekend.

In the meantime I will leave you one last "top tip!" - change your products regularly.  It is easy to keep going back and buying the same shampoo and conditioner every time, but products can leave a build up on your hair shaft which in time causes your hair to feel dull and lifeless.  Changing your shampoo from for example a moisturising to a clarifying one can stop this from happening.  Anyway, it's fun to try out different / new brands and lines anway isn't it!

Happy Hair Day Folks :-)

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