Wednesday 2 November 2011

Are you a Violet Blonde?

I am beyond excited about the launch of Tom Ford’s latest fragrance – Violet Blonde.
But can it really compare to Black Orchid – my beloved signature scent?

Tom says, “Violet Blonde has the spirit of a classical, European fragrance. It is formal, polished, and yet draws you in closer and closer, like a beautifully dressed woman whose refined presence charms, then fascinates, and ultimately seduces you.” 
Tom; the mere sound of your voice and the movement of your lips seduces me!!! Tom Ford is a style, fashion, and perfume genius in my eyes (not to mention acclaimed film director).

The buzz words surrounding Violet Blonde are opulence and glamour – two things I’m sure you’ll agree we could all do with in our lives right now.

I look forward to receiving a sample this weekend and watching my ravishingly elegant side soar! 
In the meantime I will leave you to swoon over the amazeballs vision of beauty that is Lara Stone; the face of Violet Blonde.

Violet Blonde available in Boots, House of Fraser, John Lewis and many other department stores (£60 for 50ml bottle)

For the man in your life, why not treat him to a bottle of Tom Ford For Men this Christmas (any excuse for me to post this rudey, nudey ad campaign poster!)

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