Friday 18 January 2013

This Weekend

This weekend I intend to go for a long walk in the snow (if it actually arrives that is!!) and clean and sort my vast makeup collection.  I have so many eyeshadows, lipglosses etc it's quite ridiculous...and there are definitely some clagged up mascara wands in there that need to go!
I know it sounds clichéd but since turning 30 I feel like I've really found my groove ; I know what suits me (and what doesn't!).  I've learnt to streamline my makeup and my wardrobe, and as a result I've had a major clothing shake up selling heaps on ebay.  Now it's time to turn to my makeup boxes and be ruthless!

I'm going to use these Pinterest pics as inspiration.......

making use of empty candles
attached with magnets
I particularly like the hair bobbles in the glass jar...I have bobble and clips all over the house!

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