Wednesday 3 August 2011

TaylorMade It...onto the top 4 weekly Lust List

** each week I will be bringing you my top 4 lust after things / people **

In at NUMBER 1: Nicky Hilton's Hair
The length, the colour, the LA laid back waves, the shine - serious case of hair envy over here!

NUMBER 2: Asda Little Angels stretch mark oil & cream
These little beauties are just £2.50 (for both) and they really do work wonders.  You can keep your £20 BioOil - I'm all about the Little Angels now!

NUMBER 3: Stars & Bows
I've always been a tad obsessed with anything with a bow or a star on and it looks like the catwalk and highstreet are set to be equally as smitten this Autumn / Winter.  Get in there first and rock a star or a bow, or even better - both whilst the sun is still shining and lead where others are sure to follow.

And finally at NUMBER 4Colour Pop Jeans
Red, Blue, Green - I love 'em all.  They look fab with a vest top worn now in summer, but keep hold of yours and rock them into next season too.  Wear with a knitted jumper and pointy courts and they're sure to brighten up a winter's day in Yorkshire.

And there you have it, my first TaylorMade (it on to the) Top 4 Lust List - please do come back and check in each Tuesday for the latest edition.

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