Tuesday 2 August 2011

my first post!

"People are frightened of fashion because it scares them or makes them feel insecure.  On a whole when people say demeaning things about our world it is usually because they feel, in some ways, excluded or not a part of the “cool group”, so as a result they just mock it.  Just because you like to put on a beautiful Carolina Herrera dress or a pair of J Brand blue jeans instead of something basic from K-Mart, doesn’t mean that you are a dumb person.  There is something about fashion that can make people very nervous.”  Anna Wintour - September Issue

I'm here to take the fear out of fashion for you and share with you all the things I see and enjoy day to day, be it a fabulous necklace, an exquisite painting or an early morning sunrise.  There's so much hardship, sadness, worry and gloom in the world, sometimes it's just nice (and I believe good for the soul) to escape from it all and enjoy something lovely.  So please add me to your favourites and follow me into a world of fashion, love and friendship.......

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