Monday 15 October 2012


I'm a big fan of The Beauty Department website; it's a great source for skincare, makeup, hair and nail ideas and tips. 

When I saw this post last week I wanted to go home and have a go myself right away! 
photos/post/graphic design: Kristin Ess
I currently keep my nail polishes in boxes in a drawer under our bed.  They are neatly organised in old Glossy Box boxes (their boxes are brilliant for makeup storage, and very pretty).  However, I can't see the colours without pulling out the bottles one by one...and when you have as many shades as I do, this can be rather time consuming!
So off I set this weekend armed with white sticky labels and my heart hole punch, painting and punching til every bottle had it's own label topper.
ta-da here is the end result!





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