Wednesday 1 February 2012

My Passion for Personalisation

Made-ons I just had to share this with you today.  As many of you know, I absolutely love personalised stuff - be it a Smythson note book, a Louis Vuitton initialled bag, or a "Mrs Taylor" bath robe...anything unique to me I love, love, love.  And never have I lusted after something so much as the Anya Hindmarch Ultimate Box. 

A box like this is to be treasured and passed down the generations.  You can have photos printed onto the inlay; labels on each drawer (appealing to my OCD organised personality) and even messages embossed in your own handwriting (amazeballs). 
Sigh, I have so many trinkets that would die to live in a box like this.  It really is theee ultimate in personalisation.

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